Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mindful on the Journey

Jacob woke up from his sleep. He said, “God is in this place—truly. And I didn’t even know it!” He was terrified. He whispered in awe, “Incredible. Wonderful. Holy. This is God’s House. This is the Gate of Heaven.”

Jacob was up first thing in the morning. He took the stone he had used for his pillow and stood it up as a memorial pillar and poured oil over it. He christened the place Bethel (God’s House). The name of the town had been Luz until then.

Jacob vowed a vow: “If God stands by me and protects me on this journey on which I’m setting out, keeps me in food and clothing, and brings me back in one piece to my father’s house, this God will be my God. This stone that I have set up as a memorial pillar will mark this as a place where God lives. And everything you give me, I’ll return a tenth to you.”

Genesis 28:16-22 (from The Message)

Mindful on the Journey
This is a picture that I took while in the midst of a 50K trail run. I only accomplished half that distance. I realized as I was about to begin the second loop that punishing my body to achieve my goal would negate the joy of the experience I was having. So, I simply decided to stop and go home.

In the past, I might have bargained with God, or made a promise of faithfulness, so that I could accomplish the goal that I had chosen. This time, as I stayed aware of each glint of ice on the path, each impression in the snow of all those who were ahead of me in the "race," and interacted with the eagles, geese, and other creatures of creation, it was enough to know that I was being provided for on the journey. I was able to whisper in awe, “Incredible. Wonderful. Holy. This is God’s House."

I can honestly say, "this is my God." Not might be or will be if my goals are met. This is my God and I pray that I am kept mindful of each moment of the journey because each moment that I am mindful of is its own experience of holy awe.

The goal that really matters for me is to continually experience God's Presence and stay in one piece as the journey unfolds.

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emergent god

e·mer·gent (ĭ-mûr'jənt) adj. Coming into view, existence, or notice

god (gŏd) n. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
