A number of years ago I went along on one of my wife’s work trips seeking a respite from the day to day demands of my shamanistic vocation. While she was collecting stories about Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado I amused myself by sitting on the edge of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.
Sitting alone, listening for a nudge of the holy in the cavernous silence exuded by the steep and craggy walls, I marveled at the cathedral before me: how unlike the houses of worship created by human hands.
With an eye to right angles, smooth interiors, and committee chosen stain glass it feels too often that we insulate ourselves from The Sacred Experience God desires us to have.
In the tradition of the Celtic Christian community there is the notion of “thin places.” It is a reference to those places and times where heaven touches earth and are known as the sacred moments of life.
While dangling on the edge I felt as if I were pressing against the thinnest of membranes that separated me from the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Holiest of Holies.
It felt good.
Love this Chuck. I think this is also true for education and the spaces we inhabit while learning. The physical space sends a message of what type of learning will take place. By changing the physical space, you can change how and what you learn. Thanks for sharing! Love you!